The works of the DUCKOMENTA | Room 5

"Departure to a New World"

1. Compass

2. Cog

3. Stellar map

4. The world is egg-shaped

5. Easter Island

6. Shrunken head

7. Malanggan


1. Vanitas

2. Man wearing a golden helmet

3. The Bathers

4. Portrait of a young man 

5. Homunculus

6. Half-portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach

7. Duck with a pearl earring

Deutsches Schloss- und Beschläge-Museum, Velbert : 11.10.2024 – 06.04.2025

DUCKOMENTA Museum, Wittstock, Amtshaus Alte Bischofsburg : ab 16.03.2024

Focke Museum, Bremen : 14.12.2024 – 13.04.2025
