The works of the DUCKOMENTA | Room 7


1. Two ducks contemplating the moon

2. Wanderer in foggy seas

3. Isle of the Dead

4. The Letter or the Young Ones

5. Steam bath

6. The poor poet

7. A sunday walk

8. The bookworm

9. The alchemist

 "The Industrial Revolution"   

1. Charles Duckwin (1809 - 1882)

2. The fundamentals of Genetics

3. The Lauchhammer Mine / I

4. The Lauchhammer Mine / II

5. The Communist Party manifesto

6. Karl Ducks aka Karl Marx 

Deutsches Schloss- und Beschläge-Museum, Velbert : 11.10.2024 – 06.04.2025

DUCKOMENTA Museum, Wittstock, Amtshaus Alte Bischofsburg : ab 16.03.2024

Focke Museum, Bremen : 14.12.2024 – 13.04.2025
